string(10) "table-ware"

Hassun Renge

with HaRe Gastronomia
住所 〒150-0022 東京都渋谷区恵比寿南1-9-4 長谷川力ビル2F
予約・問い合わせ 要予約 / 050-3184-0301
営業時間 平日 18:30~ 19:30~ 20:30~
土・日・祝日 18:00~ 19:00~ 20:00~
photo *Kimihiro*

An aperitif-style hassun tray with sharing plates function, lotus flower as a key motif. Twelve detachable spoon-shaped small plates are placed in a circle and it has artwork element on top of practical functions when to be put on the table. We designed each spoon-shaped plate to be detached easily by one hand and adjust its size and thickness for nice and smooth carry to mouths.